Religious Education
Hello, my name is Miss Heyes and I am the Religious Education Co-ordinator at Bleak Hill Primary School. At our school, we believe that the study of Religious Education (RE) contributes to children’s personal development and promotes mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society. We follow the locally agreed syllabus for RE determined by St Helens SACRE (Standard Advisory Council on RE), which from September 2019, is developed by Lancashire.
I am very passionate about RE. I believe that the subject is important as it promotes spiritual, social, and moral development. In RE lessons children learn both about different religions and from different religions which is important as our world becomes more diverse. My undergraduate degree is in Theology and Religious Studies; I can use my subject knowledge from this degree to help other teachers to enhance their teaching of RE.
The locally agreed syllabus is a curriculum for RE drawn up by the local authority. It’s put together by a group of experts including teaching associations and representatives of the Church of England and other faiths. By law, it has to reflect the fact that Great Britain’s religious traditions are mainly Christian, while taking into account its other principal religions.