Pupil Leadership
Pupil Leadership
The term pupil leadership refers to education principles and practices that reflect the importance of providing children with the opportunities and support to play a role in making the decisions that affect them. At Bleak Hill, we encourage our children to take on leadership roles within the school from EYFS up to Year 6. Nurturing good pupil leaders is an important element of Bleak Hill’s success as a school. Our pupils readily take on leadership roles: our Pupil Subject Ambassadors, School Council, House Captains and Vice Captains, Buddies, JRSOs and Play Leaders contribute to our direction with confidence and success. We are very proud of them; they are a strength and credit to Bleak Hill School.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Act as an ambassador for the school both in and out.
- Plan, organise and promote fundraising events.
- Represent pupil voice.
- Work alongside the senior leadership team to continue to improve our school
- Help the governors to make decisions on behalf of the pupils.
- Meet regularly to feedback to the senior leadership team and governors about key decisions.
Pupil Ambassadors
Subject Ambassadors are encouraged to take greater responsibility and to contribute positively both to their subject and the school. They also attend meetings as required (with our Governing Body and Leadership Team). The children write in their specific ‘Ambassador log books’ and feedback on the teaching and their learning of the subject within school Expectations are high in order that children understand the importance of the role and the commitment and professional conduct expected, when in a position; thereby setting them up for future life.
From KS2, all children will be either a Subject Ambassador, Values Victor or Wellbeing Warrior
Role of a Subject Ambassador
Give out subject specific book
Organise subject specific resources
Visit and organise subject specific areas
Take part in any subject specific demonstrations
Collaborate with peers and teacher about the subject
Take part in meetings with Curriculum Leaders
Role of a Values Victor
Display and promote Bleak Hill Values
Take part in Collective Worships
Recognise other pupils displaying Bleak Hill Values, congratulate and encourage
Select work for portfolios for the British Values Days
Role of Well Being Warrior
Check on welfare and wellbeing and welfare of other children in class and at break and lunchtimes.
Take part in collective worship
Work with the wellbeing team
Take some responsibility for the wellbeing area
School Council
Children act as ambassadors both in and out of school and they and represent pupil voice on behalf of every class from Year 2 to Year 6. Each class votes for their representative at the start of the school year through a democratic process, on our ‘Whole School Democracy Day’, and the School Council meets monthly. Councillors bring concerns raised by their classes to the meetings for discussion and where necessary, these are then taken by councillors to the appropriate member of staff. The School Council continues to identify any improvements they think could be made, alongside being responsible for organising fund raising events.
House Captains and Vice Captains
Successfully lead and support to deliver our sporting events within school. The Year 6 children apply for the role and the school vote for their chosen house colour captains on Whole School Democracy Day. Subsequently the winners are appointed ad House Captains and the next two runners up are appointed as Vice Captains to support the House Captains for each of our House Colour Teams.
JRSOs (Junior Road Safety Officers)
Promote road safety and staying 'Bike Smart'. They raise awareness of road and safety community issues and how, as a school, we can help to solve these problems. For example, they recently introduced the ‘Be Safe’ competition and judged the winning entries, this with the impact that all classes understood the importance of being safe around the roads at school.
The Bleak Hill Play Leaders
Help to make breaktime and lunchtime calm and enjoyable, they help children who are lost, lonely or upset to find friends to play with at lunchtime and they help children to solve disagreements by themselves, where they can and find support from adults where needed.
Buddy System
When our new reception children have settled into school life, they are paired up with a buddy in school. These children can then help them in the playground, read with them, listen to any worries, support them in navigating the school buildings and ground and act as role models for them.
Attendance Activists
These children were chosen for this role due the influence and respect of their peers alongside their own personal record of good attendance. They regularly meet with the attendance lead and discuss any pupil voice they have gained from others in and around school (children and parents). They are the voice of our children and their ideas and actions are fed back to the attendance team which consists of members of the SLT and governors. The children take a proactive role in welcoming and rewarding the children for being in school and on time, they support brainstorming around rewards and prizes and update our notice board each week.
FABs (First Aid Buddies)
This leadership team completed basic first aid skill in class then chose to give up their own time to complete a St John Youth first aid course. This training required the children to have aspirations for the future, they completed an application form and interview and an 8-hour training course in order to successfully gain this title. In school they can assist adults with first aid and in the community, they can be youth first aiders for many establishments such as sports clubs, scouts, guides, churches and many more. This is a skill for life, and we are very proud of their commitment.